
In a few minutes my two year old son will begin knocking on the wall to let me know that he is awake and ready to play.  When I am home, it is one of my favourite parts of the day.  I love seeing him excited and ready to start his morning and his day!

I have gotten into the habit of knocking on the heart of God every morning.  In some inconsistent and imperfect way my son and I are similarly knocking on our father’s wall wanting his attention.  But unlike me and my son, my Father in Heaven is always there when I wake and knock.  There are times that I am not home to greet my son when he wakes in the morning but my Abba Father never ceases to be present with me.

It amazes me that my sons never questions my intentions or my heart, they never question my dedication and love for them.  But in my weakness I have a tendency at times to question God’s love for me, God’s dedication to my good, God’s intentions and His trustworthiness.  Perhaps that is one of the reasons that Jesus tells us to have faith like a child. To see Him through childlike eyes.  Understanding Him in light of how we looked at our caregivers once upon a time – with complete trust.

My own lack of faith, my questioning spirit makes me laugh at myself sometimes, especially as I read through God’s word.

God’s connection with His people at the beginning of the book of Joshua is a wonderful example to us.

God tells Joshua to be courageous and also that he is with him.  The promise rings true throughout the book until Joshua’s death.  God went with him through the Jordan river just as He had been with Moses and the people of God through the Red Sea.  God went with him to Jericho and showed His miraculous and sovereign strength.  God continued to be with Joshua until his dying day.  God was faithful and trustworthy.

God tells Noah that he will never again cover the whole earth with a flood and every time I see rainbow I am reminded that God has kept his promise over the past few millennia.

God promised a redeemer and Jesus came to and brought salvation by His own death and resurrection.  Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit and He has dwelt with God’s people since Pentecost.

When I knock on the heart of God I know that he will answer.  I remind myself of His promise keeping, faithful, trustworthy character and knock.  And just as my son is greeted with love I know that God my Heavenly Father will hold me, comfort me and walk with me because He is love.

God is steadfast and He is trustworthy.

My son is knocking.