Places and Spaces

Each of us has one.  A place, a space that has significance to us.  I’m talking about that place or space that reflects love, grace or a mercy that shaped you and the life you live.  As we drive down specific roads in specific cities or rural spaces to can point out landmarks that have memories attached to them.  

As I drive down a road close to me I can pin-point a space and place that I walked as a teenager.  I can remember the thoughts that ran through my head in those hours.  That field that I spent so much time in has special memories attached to it.  

The lake, Lake Huron (Ontario, Canada side) has attached memories for me.  It is the place that I now take my family, but for many years it was the backdrop of my preparation for a lifetime of service to Jesus.  Forest Cliff Camp was a space and place that has meant a lot to me over the years, and although buildings change, faces change, programs alter, the lake doesn’t.  It remains the same.  It remains a place that I can go to – in fact any track of beach on the lake (Pinery Provincial Park or Canatara Beach) helps me to remember and stirs my heart.

There are places and spaces that bring me comfort and remind me of my mission,  and the lake is the best!  It is also the place that I have found myself building new and wonderful and important memories.  

There are three reasons why I venture to these places and spaces as often as I can and I believe that Jesus helps us to see these in his own life and work too.  You see, Jesus had spaces and places where he would go that had meaning to him.  He often found time in the early morning or late in the evenings as the crowds dissipated to go into the wilderness, up into the mountain.  Luke tells us that Jesus “went out as usual to the Mount of Olives” (22:39) and that “on reaching the place” he left his disciples to pray and moved on just a bit further to pray himself. 

Jesus not only had places, he had spaces that resonated with him.  Places and spaces that helped him focus, that reminded him of his mission and the vision that his heavenly Father had for his Son.  The language in the gospels help us see that this was a habit, it was something he did regularly.  

Let me share with you three of my reasons for engaging in this practice:

  1. Memory.  We need to remember where we have been and what has taken place.  I need to remember – and just like you and every other human being, I forget – a lot!  There is a reason why we need alarm clocks, reminders on our phones and sticky notes…we need to remember the most important things.  Journeying to a specific place, being in a specific space helps to not only mindfully remember, but allow our bodies to remember too.  There is so much to be said for being present physically in a place or space (if we are able) in order to be captured by memories that will invigorate and encourage us.  
  • Trajectory.  If you have known me any length of time you have heard me say – you can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have come from.  When you find yourself in a space or place that grounds you in your memories with Jesus it propels you to engage with the present and future with Jesus too.  Remembering where you have been allows you to have a firmer grasp on the trajectory that is before you.
  • Mindset.  Have you ever walked into a place or space and your whole demeanor changes?  When we walk intentionally into our memories by being present in a space or place it allows us, encourages us, sometimes demands that we change our mindset.  Alter our attitude.  Shift our thinking.  That memory helps us, the trajectory focuses us and our mindset makes a change that can turn your day, your week, month, or even your year around.  A change of mindset- a reset, can be the catalyst to life change, to rekindle your soul’s fire!

It isn’t anything new.  It’s just that Jesus did it and I want to be like Jesus.  So I do what Jesus does.  I want to journey with Him and if that is where you are, if that is your hope and prayer take a moment and answer this one basic but important question:

Where is your place or space?  

I would encourage you to think through where that location or space might be that brings you to the memories and focus that will help shape your trajectory, next steps and mindset for where God is taking you.

Maybe I’ll see you on the beach!